
Minggu, 01 Maret 2009

Track Library Jobs Using RSS and Bloglines

We need work. What good is technology if it does not serve your immediate or long term needs? There are websites and blogs that list library jobs. You can visit each and everyone of them but there might be a better way.

RSS stand for Really Simple Syndication. If you done know about RSS check out my post with a captioned video "RSS in Plain English by Common Craft. It does are really good job of explaining what RSS is and how you can use it.

This is an example of how to subscribe to an RSS feed and have it show up in your Subscription list aka news aggregator or RSS Reader. Many of you are familiar with Bloglines, some of you use Google Reader or My Yahoo for your online aggregator. At home, I also use the RSS Reader that is included in my e-mail program, Thunderbird.

I don't care what you use so long as you have a means to subscribe to blogs, websites and other forms of online content. For this example, I'm using Bloglines because it is bone simple to use.

Step 1 - Subscribing To LISJobs

You can visit LISJobs and see the current job listings. Or, you can have those same listings come to you.

When you want to subscribe you are looking for an orange button with the letters "XML" or "RSS". It can also look like a broadcast symbol which you will see in the next photo. On other websites it does not have to be orange or have those letter but that is the most common way of indicating that this is a subscription feed. For this particular website, click the button.

Step 2 - Subscribe Options

You have options. If you use Live Bookmarks it will direct your feed there. If you subscribe via another service not listed or you have an RSS on your computer you can make that selection as well.

Subscription Page
I like Bloglines because I can access it at home or when I am at a conference or giving a demonstration. I moved my mouse pointer to Bloglines, and it will take me to the Bloglines web site.

Step 3 - Bloglines Subscription Page

Now you will probably have to log in to Bloglines before you get to this page. This is the screen where you confirm the site that you want to subscribe. You can customize how you want to see your listings. You have the option of just the titles or looking at the full post. You can also tell it to send it to your cell phone, PDA or iPhone.

Bloglines Subscription PageWhen you are ready click the subscribe button.

Step 4 - Added To Bloglines

Bloglines will add it to your list of blogs and websites that you are tracking. On the right is the titles of the posts.

Successful Addition to Bloglines
This is not the only way to subscribe to RSS feeds. If you know how you can copy and past the code directly into your RSS Reader. I'll show you how to do that in the next post.

Many websites and blogs have subscription button for Bloglines, Google Reader and dozens of other services. You just have to click the button of your choice and it will take you to your subscription page.

Now is not the time for techno wimps. We really do need to use all tools at our disposal. It is free and other job seekers are doing it. Shouldn't you?

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