
Rabu, 05 September 2007

Information Literacy Resources For Time Staved Students

This is an additional listing of web based information literacy resources. Information literacy has many people writing, talking and producing videos on this topic.

For example, the tutorial at the City University of New York incorporates traditional writing skills (for presentations, reports and papers) and those skills necessary to evaluate the information found on the Internet.

Stanford University's Stanford Key to Information Literacy is similar but includes a self quiz to help you check your comprehension. This tutorial is based for Stanford students but there is good stuff to be found, particularly in the Use Criteria section.

Speaking of which, there is a search engine that only allows content from authoritative sources. The Undergraduate Search Engine was created by volunteer librarians for use by freshman and sophomore students.

Librarian bloggers certainly have much to say about the topic. You should take a peak at Michael Lorenzen's work at The Informational Literacy Land of Confusion, he writes about library and non-library related issues with info literacy.

Information Literacy Weblog connects the topics with current world connections such as social networking, Second Life (how should librarians present themselves in Second Life) and work-based learning.

You don't necessarily have to read or work through modules to understand information literacy. On YouTube there are a number of videos contributing their two cents about the topic.
This is just a small sample of what is out there. Dive in and drink deep.

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