
Sabtu, 01 September 2007

Creating Tutorials & Demos - AuthorStream & AuthorPoint Lite

AuthorStream is a service that allows you to upload Microsoft Powerpoint presentations and host on the site. This may leave users of other presentation software out of luck unless OpenOffice Impress and Apple Keynote users convert the presentation to the .PPT or .PPS formats.

This is an example of an AuthorStream presentation. AuthorStream is free. I checked out the FAQ and you do have choices such as:
  • Your presentation can be private or public. Private presentations can be uploaded but only those who are given an invitation can view the presentation. Public presentations (like the examples I've posted below) are open to be viewed and shared by any user.
  • You can make use of some of the transitions available in PowerPoint, but trust me, less is more.
  • You can have an RSS feed that folks could subscribe to your presentations.
With any of the free hosting services I do feel the need to mention if they disappear or go out of business so does your presentation. Make sure you have a back-up copy.

Other Examples from AuthorStream:
AuthorPoint Lite

Here is where it gets interesting. AuthorPoint Lite is a free PowerPoint to Flash converter. You create your presentation, convert it using AuthorPoint Lite and then upload it to AuthorStream or your blog/website (if you know how to code the HTML)

Flash Animations can be seen by most users so it is (almost) a universal format. There are some accessibility issues. If you like the format of AuthorStream and are looking for a way to upload via Flash animations you should check out the information page.

AuthorGen (creators of AuthorStream and AuthoPoint Lite) do have a commerical version of the product for sale that has additional features.

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