
Selasa, 10 April 2012

National Library Week: April 8 - 12th, 2012

Almost every day there is something to do to celebrate National Library Week sponsored by the American Library Association (ALA). This year's theme is "You belong @ your library."

Today is National Library Workers Day. One can go to the National Library Workers Day website to recognize a library worker of their choice from any type of library.

Are you a Twitter fan? If so, you can tweet your six word library story of why you belong at the library by using this tag #nlw6words. Stories will be compiled and judged http://atyourlibrary.org/. You have till Wednesday, April 11th to participate. You can also follow National Library Week at #nlw12 on Twitter and atyourlibrary.org on Facebook.

Wednesday is also National Bookmobile Day. Thursday is Support Teen Literature Day.

If you happen to be on campus, then check out the Rotunda display at the Shatford Library celebrating National Library Week. There are new READ posters with assorted library staff, campus staff and students. In addition, check out the most current happenings dealing with banned books in Arizona. There are also boards set up where you can write what your favorite book is. Currently, one of my most favorite books is "The Time Traveler's Wife" which is a fictional story about a time traveling librarian who works at the Newbery Library in Chicago and his relationship with his wife which is told from both points of view. Feel free to post a comment of what your favorite book is and why.

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