
Kamis, 08 Juli 2010

At Your Local Library - Adult Summer Programs

Think library summer reading programs are just for kids? Think again! Check out your local library and see what's happening.

At Pasadena Public Library, check out the Adult Summer Program where you can make Simple Summer Salad Suppers to take home on July 31st, meet other yarn lovers at Yarn Projects from the Heart interested in knitting or crocheting for charity on July 24th and August 28th, and the 12th Baseball Reliquary, Shrine of the Eternals Induction Day 2010 hosted by PCC Library Tech Program alumni, Terry Cannon.

It's not too late to sign up for I (S)cream for Books Adult Summer Reading Program at Alhambra Public Library. The reading program runs till July 31st. For every week, you can earn an incentive prize with a chance ticket for the grand prize.

At Arcadia Public Library, the theme is Water Your Mind: Read. Registration is online till July 24th with the program running till the end of the month. In addition, there is a Themed Movie Night on July 14th at 6pm and an Introduction to Ikebana on July 28th at 6:30pm.

So if you're yearning for those childhood library summer reading days, stop on by your local library and see what they have for adults these days. You just might be pleasantly surprised.

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