
Kamis, 27 Oktober 2011

LIB 103 and Me

Today I had the opportunity to take the Page/At-Will test with the City of Pasadena. I had taken the Page test many years ago and vaguely recalled the type of questions that would be presented. Back then I knew librarianship was something was a field I wanted to go into, but I had not yet done the research on what was required at the level of library technician. As I sat there with the test I tried my hardest to sort numbers as quickly as possible, but it was not a task I was all that familiar with.

Fast forward a few years and the completion of my certificate is a little over a month away. Today, I felt much more confidant while taking the test. And I was very pleased at the recognition of some concepts that I learned in my Introduction to Circulation Services class. I could see how my concept of library service had changed this past year and a half of classes. Certain questions were viewed in a new frame of mind, especially those that related to customer service.

Introduction to Circulation Services taught me that what you think you know and what libraries require of their technicians may be two different things. I enjoyed my time in LIB 103, and though it was many months ago I still recall some of the finer points of the lectures clearly in my memory. Practicing with the ShelveIt program, reviewing some of the finer points of customer service particular to libraries, and an increased confidence of my own skills lessened my anxiety about this test.

I’m not sure where I may end up on the list of the pool of applicants, but the PCC Library Technician Program has certainly taught me skills that have boosted my confidence.

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