
Selasa, 01 Juni 2010

CLA Scholarship Available: Reference Service Press Fellowship

Are you a college senior or college graduate who has been accepted into an ALA-accredited Master of Library Science program? Or, have you just started to pursue your MLS?

If you answered yes to either of these questions, and are interested in pursuing a career in reference or information service librarianship, you are encouraged to apply for the CLA Reference Service Press Fellowship, which awards $3,000 to incoming and beginning MLS students (those who have completed 9 credits or less in their programs).

To apply, please visit the CLA website at www.cla-net.org/awards/rspf.php and turn in your application no later than June 30, 2010. The funding for this fellowship is provided by Reference Service Press, a California-based publishing company. The program is administered by the California Library Association, an association of individuals and institutions devoted to the development of library service for all California residents.

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