
Selasa, 02 Januari 2007

The " M " Word - Marketing To Libraries Blog

Just when you think you are done with a topic up pops a few more links that you can't leave alone. The "M" Word blog is an attempt to take the mystery out of promoting libraries.

Nancy Dowd is the Director of Marketing for the New Jersey public library. She writes in an easy to understand manner how to promote your library no matter the size of your budget. She invites all to participate in the conversation. http://themwordblog.blogspot.com

In addition to this blog Nancy is also the curator of Library Videos. She searches the web for library videos, comedy bits from television or that curious new sensation, library musicals? If you have the bandwidth check it out. Most are in YouTube/Flash video format so all you have to do is click the play button to view the videos. http://libraryvideos.blogspot.com

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